On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 5:52 AM, Mike Gabriel
<mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> On  Mi 01 Okt 2014 01:41:19 CEST, Michael DePaulo wrote:
>> Ping MIke#1
>> I should have some free time to work on this feature this week.
>> On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Michael DePaulo <mikedep...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Ping Mike#1
>>> On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 11:14 AM, Michael DePaulo <mikedep...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Mike#1 (or anyone else who can answer this),
>>>> You linked me to this MATE commit as an example of how I should add
>>>> Cinnamon support to x2goclient (bug #571):
>>>> http://code.x2go.org/gitweb?p=x2goclient.git;a=commitdiff;h=468be3aa8d457ec4bc429e76f4c26f4bbf27f0d0
>>>> I thought that x2goclient merely specified a session type with a
>>>> string like "MATE". So I do not understand the logic in
>>>> ONMainWindow::runCommand() and SessionButton::slot_cmd_change( const
>>>> QString& command ),  where command is changed from "MATE" to
>>>> "mate-session" and then back.
>>>> Furthermore,
>>>> 1. pyhoca-gui doesn't do anything like that:
>>>> http://code.x2go.org/gitweb?p=pyhoca-gui.git;a=commitdiff;h=af60d3076e8cb45ea8e330ff0f4405d4428c4e36;hp=a12f581df11af39c67eecc0518fbaad96b3af1bf
>>>> 2. With my proposal for fixing #569, there are 3 possible commands
>>>> that can be used to launch Cinnamon.
>>>> -Mike
>>> With Cinnamon's fix in x2goserver for bugs #569 and #572, there are a
>>> total of 4 possible commands to launch cinnamon.
> The magic to launch the Cinnamon variants should go into x2goruncommand.
> X2Go Client should send command=CINNAMON to X2Go Server.
>>> For UNITY, the command is changed from "UNITY" to "unity" and then
>>> back. Should I just use "CINNAMON" and "cinnamon"?
> This is a whacky hacky magic to capture different kinds of user input... It
> aims at rewriting some user given command that gets entered into the command
> field if "Other desktop session" is used as session type.
> This, of course, fails for GNOMEv3 derived desktops as most of the
> gnome-like sessions require command line arguments (gnome-session <arg>).
> But in X2Go, we don't transmit command line args to x2goruncommand. So a
> user's custom command "gnome-session <args>" will boil down to
> command=GNOME.
> However, e.g. for MATE this mech works...
> The user can use "MATE" as custom command, but also "mate-session".
> Everything gets rewritten to "MATE" before it gets sent to the server.
> For Cinnamon, please copy+paste+adapt your changes from what we have for
> GNOME or UNITY (making all of the following a valid X2Go Server command:
> cinnamon, CINNAMON).
> For other desktop shells (those that can be launched via a single command
> without args), please copy+paste+adapt from what I did for MATE.
> Thanks+Greets,
> Mike

Great, thank you!

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