On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 1:22 PM, Hopkins, Bill <bill.hopk...@level3.com> wrote:
> Package: X2Go Client
> Version: V. (Qt – 4.8.5)
> There was no error message associated with the problem.
> To bring on the problem, all I have to do is start the X2Go client; it does
> not require me connecting to a server.
> I am listening to streaming audio on my laptop, with the audio going to a
> speaker system with subwoofer. When I start up the X2Go client, it switches
> the audio output device to the lame laptop speakers. I can make the audio go
> back to the nice speakers by unplugging the audio cable and plugging it back
> in. However, the sound is then slight distorted; the level of distortion
> varies periodically, and it becomes so bad that the music is almost
> completely replace by static.
> The laptop is running Windows 7 Professional (it remains up-to-date via
> Microsoft Tuesday Patches). The laptop is a Dell Studio 1558, with a
> quad-core i5 processor, 8 GB memory, 256GB SSD.
> Since the problem occurs without a connection, the version of the server
> software is irrelevant.
> Two connections are configured, both with audio disabled (which is why I’m
> wondering why the client is messing with the audio at all).
> By the way, I tried using reportbugs on my server, but Ubuntu takes umbrage,
> and I didn’t think you wanted the report sent to Debian (which is what it
> seems to want me to do). So I used the email option.
> Thanks! Great product. Most responsive remote desktop product I’ve used.

Hi Bill,

Thanks, and sorry you ran into this issue.

It sounds like PulseAudio is causing this problem.
(X2Go Client for Windows & later bundle PulseAudio 5.0.)
With X2Go Client for Windows, pulseaudio.exe is started as
soon as you launch X2Go Client.
With X2Go Client for Windows, pulseaudio.exe is started once
you actually launch a session that uses audio.
Of course, that change wouldn't actually fix the problem (unless you
never use audio.)

I would like you to do the following to collect more output from PulseAudio:
1. Install the latest debug build of X2Go Client for Windows
2. Reproduce the problem by starting a session with audio enabled.
3. Look in the folder %USERPROFILE%\.x2go\pulse . You should see 1 or
more folders with random names like "tmp.Hp8872". Open up the newest
folder, and you should see the file "pulse.log". Reply back with that
file attached.

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