
I did not get notified when you posted your suggestions, either way, which
config file on the client does the HostKeyAlgorithms go into?

> ssh -o HostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa-cert-v01 <at>
>,ssh-dss-cert-v01 <at>,ssh-rsa-cert-v00 <at>
>,ssh-dss-cert-v00 <at>,ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
>yourusername <at> yourhost

By the way, I noticed HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key is commented out
in the sshd_config on the client, should this uncommented?

Thank you,

> You could try (all in one line, no blanks at the
> mail-client-induced line wraps):
> ssh -o 
> HostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa-cert-v01 <at>,ssh-dss-cert-v01
><at>,ssh-rsa-cert-v00 <at>,ssh-dss-cert-v00 <at>
> yourusername <at> yourhost

Oh, darn it.
The line wrap looks different in the sent mail than in the compose
mail window.  Of course, one blank goes behind the "-o", and one
before the "yourusername".


On 5/5/15, 7:54 AM, "Real, Elizabeth (392K)" <>

>Prior to reaching out to the x2godev group, I checked the sshd_config file
>on the server to ensure the rsa host key was enabled. I restarted sshd
>anyway, tried connecting from the client to the server but got the same
>error on the client:
>x2go-INFO-8> "Starting connection to server:"
>x2go-ERROR-2> "Connection Error(Can not connect to
>Protocol mismatch: "
>2015-05-05 07:53:29.214 x2goclient[4409:319022] modalSession has been
>exited prematurely - check for a reentrant call to endModalSession:
>Any other ideas?
>Thank you,
>On 5/4/15, 5:41 PM, "Mihai Moldovan" <> wrote:
>>On 05.05.2015 02:25 AM, Real, Elizabeth (392K) wrote:
>>> I keep getting the same error: protocol mismatch, this
>>> is not working. Can you send me other documentation you may have?
>>Uhm, no, I don't mean client SSH keys.
>>If you check /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the RHEL server, you should see a
>>line like
>>"HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key"
>>It may be commented, in the form
>>"#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key"
>>If it is, please uncomment it (remove the hash) and restart the the SSH
>>sudo systemctl restart sshd
>>After that, try connecting again.

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