Hi Mike,

libzip was a dependency for libssh, I think. Recent version of libssh
seems not to use it. I think we don't need it anymore.

best regards

Am 23.01.2016 um 16:42 schrieb Mike DePaulo:
> Hi Alex,
> I am working on releasing a new build of X2Go Client for Windows
> with security updates, when I noticed that libzip has a
> security update available.
> Upon further investigation, it looks like we do not even use libzip:
> 1. "Dependency Walker" shows that we do not link X2Go Client for
> Windows against it.
> 2. X2Go Client for Windows seems to work without it.
> 3. X2Go Client for Windows (the last release before I resumed
> maintianing it) didn't even include it.
> 4. I grepped the "x2goclient" source tree for "libzip" at,
> and and there were no matches.
> You were the one who updated the wiki to state that we need libzip, so
> I figured I would ask you.
> http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/wiki:development:build-howto-mswin:x2goclient?rev=1363699682
> -Mike

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