* On 11/17/2017 12:12 AM, Ulrich Sibiller wrote:
> Thanks for clarification. But why not simply using all combinations in 
> parallel?

Could do, but that doesn't really make sense if the plain hostname is working 

I actually wonder if there's a subtle bug in general - what happens with
successfully started sessions if the hostname changes at a later time? In
theory, nxagent should have opened its internal display by then, but if it
disconnects again after a proxy disconnected and tries to re-open the internal
display on subsequent proxy connections, this may fail. I doubt anyone has ever
tested such a scenario (at least not willingly). I probably should.

And even if that's a real problem, I'm not sure how to fix it. At least xauth
does seem to do duplicate checking, so simply adding more entries on each
x2goresume-session call would work.

The next arguable bug is that we never delete any of these entries. Given that
we use the "global" user Xauthority file by default, it's not very nice to
clutter their file with random "crap" (at least after a session has ended).

> Maybe we should provide a script that checks common problems ans
> collects required data to avoid pinging back and forth so often.

Most issues users have are not based upon "common problems", but mostly very
specific site configurations. :/


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