Control: reassign -1 x2goclient
Control: forcemerge -1 1428

* On 12/20/19 6:21 PM, Sylvain Cuaz wrote:
> SSH key fails to be copied to the remote side because the path use a tilde, 
> so neither file sharing nor client-side printing works.
> [...]
> After using gdb I saw that ONMainWindow::exportDirs() calls 
> SshMasterConnection::copyFile() with dst="~"+uname +"/.x2go/ssh/"+dst;
> which is ultimately passed to libssh. But following CVE-2019-14889 the path 
> is now literal (quoted), see
> for the libssh logs 
> and
> for the ubuntu packages

Yes, I think that this change has been intentional. I'll have to fix that in
X2Go Client and I know how to do this easily to retain support for pre-patched
and patched versions.

I will, however, probably not be able to provide new release versions with that
fix (and others) for about a months.

I'll let you know when fixed nightly versions are available, though.

> As a workaround I reinstalled an old version of the libssh-4 package and the 
> bug went away.

Please don't do that OR recommend that. You're essentially now running without
the CVE fix, which is probably worse than a broken client.


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