> I believe the libssh 0.9.3 being the culprit.
> So from my POV it would help if you could try using an older version
> of x2goclient (with an older libssh) to see if it works with that.
OK, I tried this. X2Go switched (at least for the MS-Win build) from 0.7.4(!) 
to 0.9.3 on 2020-02-06, and indeed, the build from 2020-01-29 (the last one 
before the switch) works for me!

Could someone build x2goclient with libssh 0.9.4 so I could test that?

> PS: I suspect this happens when the other side has a quite old openssh
> running, in my case it's OpenSSH 5.8, for you it's 5.9... So If you
> can upgrade the ssh server this might also solve the problem
As stated in the original bug report: No, unfortunately, it's not the OpenSSH 
version that matters (I went into some lengths updating that, but it didn't 
help), but the base system version. I cannot easily update the login servers to 
NetBSD 8.
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