On 27.08.2021 12:32, Stefan Baur wrote:
> Am 27.08.21 um 12:26 schrieb Hans Peter Verne:
>>  I still
>> wish for a way to catch diagnostics from the x2go client, also after
> For that, you need to select the debug version of X2GoClient when
> installing X2GoClient for Windows. MacOS and Linux versions of
> X2GoClient support this out of the box.
> With the debug version installed, you can run
> "x2goclient.debug.exe --debug" and redirect the output to a file (be
> sure to redirect both STDOUT and STDERR).

Thanks -- very useful!

Hans Peter Verne  --  IT-drift Geofag.

In 1934, Van der Lubbe was beheaded in a German prison yard. In 1967, a court
in West Berlin overturned the 1933 verdict, and posthumously changed Van der
Lubbe's sentence to eight years in prison.  -- "Reichstag fire" on Wikipedia.
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