On 04.10.2015 01:14 AM, Robert Dinse wrote:
>       It's version
>       I didn't have the ppa:x2go/stable repository added to my workstation 
> here.
> Just did that and upgraded x2goclient to version and in the new 
> version
> that behavior is fixed.

It's "fixed", but remember that it currently crashes on clicking the "OK" button
(which is what Stefan related to...)

>       Still haven't figured out the sound issue yet but the server upon which
> it is working wasn't Ubuntu 15.04, it was still 14.10 so I'm upgrading to see
> if it's 15.04 specific or just something stupid the operator (me) did.

Hum, sound issue? Sounds like an incompatible PulseAudio thingy, but that
shouldn't be the case for 14.10.


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