Also, even though it won't work from the menu, if I call xrandr by
hand from a terminal I can set the resolution as desired.

 Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and Hosting.
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On Sun, 31 Jul 2016, Robert Dinse wrote:

Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 21:27:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: Robert Dinse <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [X2Go-User] X2Go Server and Ubuntu 16.04.1

    I've got x2go on a number of Ubuntu 15.10 servers and no problem with
them.  I recently installed a new server with Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS and there is
a nasty problem with it.

On the client side, I select Display 1, on the 15.10 servers this fives me
a full screen like the Full Screen selection except I can switch between
workspaces on my local machine with control+alt+arrows.

On 16.04.1 LTS instead of getting a full screen, it gives me a full black screen with a 600x800 window in the upper left into the 16.04.1 server. I know
16.04.1 made some changes to Xorg.

    I am using Mate for the desktop on both systems but on 15.10 I installed
the Mate spin of Ubuntu, however, with 16.04 I used the Server install and then
installed Mate after the fact.

    If I try to use System->Preferences->Hardware->Display it tells me that
xrandr version is too old, says I need 1.3 and it is 1.2, however, xrandr says program version is 1.5 but server reports 1.2, where as in 15.10 this works
properly.  Any hints on how to fix this?

Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and Hosting.
  Knowledgeable human assistance, not telephone trees or script readers.
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