Troy> Ok, I'm very confused.. I've installed just about every x2go item in apt 
Troy> and still no go.
Troy> I'm running wsl, fully updated and upgraded.

What is 'wsl'?  Don't assume that anyone knows your environment.
Please specify what you have in excrutiating detail, so people can
replicate the issue. 

Troy> I've tried numerous docs and steps to get it to work and it always says it
Troy> can't  timeout connecting to

Are you connecting from the same host, or a seperate host?

What versions of the software are you using?  Post the details.

What client OS are you using?  What version of the client software are
you using?

Troy> Can someone PLEASE help me figure this out.

sure, once you post some more useful information.

Troy> if I try the browser plugin it says "invalid plugin"
Troy> here's the main thing I've been following, as you can see session.conf is 
Troy> in /etc like he said it would be.

Does it work if you don't use the browser plugin?

Step back and see if you can make it work locally only on the server.
Then try with a full client remotely, then try the browser based

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