I'm having several X2go installations, on several servers and for several

The problem is that shared directory mounting does not *usually* work on
those computers, which have cygwin installed before installing X2go client.
For some servers, it works even on those. I can't find out any rule there,
as from some client computer, connections to some X2go servers work fine
and on some X2go servers, the shared directory does not mount. Anyway, on
those computers, which doesn't have cygwin installed, the shared directory
mount seems to always work.

The only clue I have found is that on /var/log/syslog on the server, there
are following lines:
/usr/bin/x2gomountdirs[23874]: WARNING: mounting of
/cygdrive/C/Users/xxx/X2GO_S~1 failed

I have tried to follow hints on some pages, which recommend decreasing
permissions on client computer's .x2go/etc directory, but no help.

The current installation is:
Client: Windows 10 64bit Professional (does not matter, some of
installations are Windows 7)
X2go client version

Server: Ubuntu 16.04 (does not matter - some of servers are 16.10)
X2go server version
The server was installed from X2go's PPA source.

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