* On 3/22/19 11:53 AM, Ulrich Sibiller wrote:
> Well, all I know is this (from
> https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/wiki:repositories:suse):
> "Currently, the OBS SUSE X2Go instance is stale. The packages are only
> being updated irregularly and support will likely not be provided.
> This note will be removed once the situation changes. You are
> encouraged to use the X2Go package repository only for the time being.
> "

The reason is that I planned to make the public OBS instance automatically track
our repositories instead of having to manually publish releases (which would
also bring nightly packages) years ago. In essence, both our upstream repository
and what is on the OBS public instance should be synchronized. It's a
non-trivial task, though, for instance because of the way we build packages
(using our custom build scripts).

The reason why this hasn't happened yet is time. There's always more important
stuff to do and I do try to maintain our upstream repositories as good as 


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