Ok, I tried adding options like " -keyboard clone", " -keyboard query" and "keyboard pc105/us,ru,kz", " -keyboard rmlvo/evdev", " -keyboard rmlvo/xfree86" on server in x2goagent.options.. No difference at all. Client has disabled keyboard detection.

Like it's not working. I almost thought it needs reboot or something, but if I write something wrong into x2goagent.options I can't log in right away which implies x2goagent initialized each time I try to login.

10 сент. 2019 г. 15:10 пользователь Ulrich Sibiller <ul...@gmx.de> написал:

On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 10:46 AM <gleb.shipit...@gmx.com> wrote:
> As much as I can see it makes absolutely no difference if x2goclient has switch set on auto-detect keyboard settings and on disabled keyboard detection. Same wrong keycodes.
> If I force russian keyboard in x2goclient it behaves differently: Shift+2 returns "!", not "@" for example. Comma and dot works properly while slash is not. Kinda weird.
> Unfortunately I cannot force three keyboard layouts simultaneously and check this way since it does not accept multiple values as argument.

Ok, you can disable keyboard detection in x2goclient _and_ force the
keyboard in /etc/x2go/x2goagent.options:

X2GO_NXAGENT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS+=" -keyboard <your choice>"

man nxagent shows you the available options:

       keyboard=<string> or kbtype=<string>


               query   use  the  default  XKB  keyboard layout (see below) and
                       only allow clients to query the  settings  but  prevent
                       any  changes.  query  is  especially helpful for setups
                       where you need to set/modify the actual keyboard layout
                       using  core X protocol functions (e.g. via xmodmap). It
                       is used for MacOS X clients  to  handle  some  keyboard
                       problems that are special for this platform.  Note that
                       in this case XKEYBOARD will always report  the  default
                       layout which will most likely not match the experienced

               clone   ask the real X server for the keyboard  settings  using
                       XKEYBOARD  protocol  functions  and clone them. This is
                       the recommended setting. For compatibility  reasons  it
                       is not the default.

                       use the given model and layout. A value of null/null is
                       equivalent to clone. You can not modify keyboard rules,
                       variant  or options this way. Instead preset values are
                       used. These are base for rules and  empty  strings  for
                       variant and options.

                       configure   the   keyboard   according   to  the  rmlvo
                       (Rules+Model+Layout+Variant+Options) description  given
                       after  the  /  and  separated by #. This can be used to
                       fully pass the keyboard configuration of nxagent  right
                       after           the           start.           Example:

              If keyboard is omitted the internal defaults of nxagent will  be
              used  (rules:  base, layout: us, model: pc102, empty variant and


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