With a little editing of the s2go.repo file, I added the x2go fedora 30
repo.  Unfortunately, it seems to have the same version of x2goserver as
the EPEL repo.  I get the same error.

On 2/10/20 1:59 PM, Bryan Roessler wrote:
You could try the Fedora 30 repo: http://packages.x2go.org/fedora/

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 4:55 PM Michael Eager <ea...@eagerm.com <mailto:ea...@eagerm.com>> wrote:

    http://packages.x2go.org/epel/ doesn't have a subdirectory for CentOS 8.

    Is there a better X2go repo for CentOS 8?

    I'm running pyhoca-cli- on the client and the server is running
    x2goserver-4.1.0.  I understand that there is a known incompatibility
    between the two versions which has been fixed upstream.

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