Hi all,

on Debian 12 I was getting that annoying color-manager polkit authentication window again.

Turns out, the file
installed by x2goserver no longer has any effect because that backend is obsolete in polkit >= 120 or so.

I ported the original rule to /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/color-manager.rules with the following content:

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
        if (action.id.match("org.freedesktop.color-manager") &&
            subject.local == false ) {
                polkit.log("action=" + action);
                polkit.log("subject=" + subject);
                polkit.log("action '" + action.id + "' denied!");
                return polkit.Result.NO;

That solved the issue for me.

Supposedly one can also install the package polkitd-pkla to get back support for the old file, but I have not tried that approach.

Best wishes
 .''`.   Philipp Huebner <debala...@debian.org>
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