On Thu, 17 Jan 2013, Tom Russo wrote:

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 03:33:47PM -0500, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of 
the <kevin.paetz...@gmail.com> flavor, containing:
thanks for the urls to download the db tarballs.  i built both 4.2 and 4.8
and installed (/usr/local) and the xastir ./configure did not recongnize
them (internet map caching still says no).  i have not done any further
debnugging (yet).

You probably have to tell configure to look in the appropriate place for
libdb and its headers.  On my mac, for example, in order to make it work I
have to use "--with-bdb-incdir=/sw/include/db4" so that configure finds
where Fink put the BDB 4.8 header files.  There is also a "--with-bdb-libdir"
you can use to help it find the library.  On my BSD machine I have to use
"--with-bdb-incdir=/usr/local/include/db42" and

So find where the 4.8 source code build installed its header files
(/usr/local/db48, perhaps?) and make sure to add the "--with-bdb-incdir"
switch to your configure invocation.  If it still doesn't work, look at
config.log and see if it's because it can't find the library or if it's
because it can't find the headers.  If it can't find the library, make sure to
add --with-bdb-libdir, too.

Remember that configure only searches directories that are in the C compiler's
(or linker's) search path, it doesn't scan your whole system for things.
When software is installed in odd locations, you have to help configure out.

Got the sources tweaked to handle libdb-5.0 through 5.3.  I tested it with a 
source compile of 5.3.21, which installed into /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.3/ on my 

To disable my 4.x libraries I removed the libdb-4_8-devel package, then went to 
/usr/lib64/ and disabled the two libs I had:

  chmod 000 libdb-4.3.so libdb-4.8.so

After that, configure couldn't find libdb anymore.

I tweaked the Xastir sources to search for 5.x libdb versions.

Ran this:

  ./configure --with-bdb-libdir=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.3/lib64 

and then "make"

Then to test the new Xastir running:

  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.3/lib64:{$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; 
~/xastir/src/xastir -c /home/archer/.xastir2

It worked.

Of course I then fixed the permissions on my 4.3 and 4.8 libs and reinstalled 
the -devel package.  All is back to normal now.

So...  CVS now has the fixed Xastir which should work with Berkeley DB 4.0 
through 5.3.

Curt, WE7U.        http://wetnet.net/~we7u
Closed-minded about open (-source)...
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