We've used APRS to track a "caboose" cyclist in a triathlon. The job of the cyclist is to stay behind the very last competitor so that we know (1) that we haven't lost track of any cyclists and (2) we have some idea od when and where roads can be reopened or traffic restrictions removed. We had a portable iGate at the race site, and a digipeater at the far end of the course, and my home iGate was able to see beacons from parts of the middle of the course and from the digipeater. We didn't have full coverage of the course, but it was good enough to keep track of the caboose.

Tom Henderson
H4 Services LLC

On 11/20/21 12:29 AM, Liz wrote:
Has anyone on this list had experience in using APRS tracking for
ultramarathon runners?

I've set the "reply_to" to me to discourage misuse of the list.

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