I skied the Birkie Trail twice this weekend.  Here's my assessment of the

from powerline south to about 16km - very good.

16km - 18km - some sun exposed areas, very thin, patches of dirt, leaves,
grass, small trees.
18km-23km - don't know
23km-30km - good to very good
about 30-31km a couple sun exposed areas that are thin and showing a little
31-34km - good to very good
34km south - don't know.

Some good news in that we are expecting about an inch of snow tonight and
maybe more on Friday.

Snow consistency is very dry.  The base is hard packed powder except for the
edges.  There's not a lot of bottom, so resetting tracks could be tricky.
Slightly warmer temps should help firm up the base even more.

Skate lane this weekend was quite good - very slow on Sat and pretty fast on
Sunday.  My sense is that with only about 4 inches in most places it should
hold up well for the first few waves and after that it's anybody's guess.
Tracks on the outer edges should hold up OK, especially if the slight
warming this week helps introduce more moisture into the snow.

Ron Bergin
A local perspective

> From: "Michael Palm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 18:48:15 -0600
> Subject: [XC] Birkie Trail conditions...
> I was wondering if anyone had skied the Birkie trail this weekend and could
> give an honest update on the conditions.  I am most concerned with the
> conditions of the tracks.  It seems with the 1-4 in. base tracks would be
> difficult to set.  Any updates would be helpful.  Anyone else besides
> DoublePole Kelly skiing the Birkie classic?
> Caribou Palm
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