Yes, I'll second that.  Carry at least some water.  I was in that same 1994
Birkie with Joe "between the waves" that skied nearly the whole race without
water.  The Noquemanon also ran out of water once for second half skiers,
and I also got LOST on one Great Bear Chase course and skied without any
water or support.  So advice for the wise (especially the slow and wise) is,
if you're setting off for a day of skiing, with lots of K, carry a bit to
survive on.

~ Mad Madeline

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph King [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 10:51 AM
To: Mike Ivey; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Eric Stonebraker; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [XC] Birkie Nutrition

At 09:43 AM 2/18/2003 -0600, Mike Ivey wrote:
>forget carrying a water bottle or hydration pack, it's just dead weight 
>and more than likely it will freeze up., plus it's just one more thing to 
>worry about

In '94 I toured the Birkie from the ninth wave and I left the water bottle 
at home.  Unfortunately, the rest stops were out of water from the first to 
the double O.  The next day I flew to the west coast for business and was 
hospitalized days later.  It took months to recover from what must have 
been borderline neutremia (caused by dehydration followed by over 
hydration).  Which meant I underwent every type of brain scan possible as 
well as a spinal tap to eliminate the other more common 
possibilities.  Fortunately, I didn't die before they figured out they just 
needed to hook me up to an IV.  I've not been able to bring myself to do 
the Birkie since but hopefully things are better now.  Still my advice for 
those starting in a high numbered wave is to carry water.  Ironically, I 
carried water on all of my training skis but left the water bottle at home 
thinking I'd drink at every rest stop during the event.  There's nothing 
like a cautionary tail days before the Birkie, huh?


Joseph King, Ph.D.
President, PDAFIT, LLC

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