A wise old hermit known only as Bernd Kuehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
once said:

> What is the syntax for pattern attributes?
> For example I have a Bean named SchemaManagerBean and I want the remote
> interface named SchemaManager. {0} refers to SchemaManagerBean .

No, {0} refers to the beans' name as specified in the "name" parameter of 
the @ejb:bean tag.  It also picks a sensible default for this value - see 
the documentation for the ejbClassNameSuffix parameter of ejbdoclet, "A 
comma-separated list of endings which should be removed from the bean 
class name to generate a bean's name if no name parameter is specified in 
the @ejb:bean tag." (default is "Bean,EJB,Ejb")  So in your case, it would 
use "SchemaManager" by default, which is what you wanted...

> How do
> I cut off some parts of the name - here Bean? 
> <remoteinterface pattern="?????"/>

<ejbdoclet ejbClassNameSuffix="Bean"/>
  <remoteinterface pattern="{0}"/>

But it's unnecessary because, as I said, the default settings will do that 


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