On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 05:41, Raynil S. K. wrote:
> Can someone help me with this below problem, I have tried the latest
> builds of xdoclet and ant and have had
> no luck getting the build to work. xdoclet-ejb-module-1.2.2.jar is in
> the CLASSPATH yet the error.
> ejbdoclet:
>      [echo] *****--- starting xdoclet compile ---*****
> file:C:/trading/dev/data/build.xml:149: taskdef class
> xdoclet.ejb.EjbDocletTask cannot be found

It's probably not be the cause of your problem, but that should be
xdoclet.modules.ejb.EjbDocletTask.  The one in xdoclet.ejb is only there
for backward compatibility.

Also, I notice that your xdoclet.classpath variable doesn't include the
J2EE classes.  Unless your taskdef adds those in the classpath (which I
couldn't tell as you didn't include your Ant script) then XDoclet may
skip your files anyway, as it probably won't be able to tell that
they're EJBs without the javax.ejb classes available.  In this case I'd
have expected an error message while running the subtasks, though,
rather than a ClassNotFound on the EjbDocletTask.  CNFEs can sometimes
be misreported; the usual culprit is if a class used in a static
initializer isn't found, but I don't see any likely classes in the
XDoclet sources apart from java.util ones that have been present since
JDK 1.2.  Which makes me suspect your taskdef - perhaps there's
something wrong with the way you specify the classpath in the taskdef so
that it's not seeing the xdoclet.classpath contents at all?  If you post
your Ant script we can check if there's anything obvious wrong with

Do the samples included in the XDoclet archive build okay?  If so, there
must be some difference between the standard build file & classpath and
yours, which should help narrow it down.


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