On Wed, 2005-02-23 at 18:04, Rick Mann wrote:
> Hi. I've been trying to get xwebdoc to work generating TLD files for my 
> classes, but I can only get it to work for the SimpleTag example.
> I even moved a copy of SimpleTag.java to be a sibling of my Tag 
> classes, and only SimpleTag's information gets put into the generated 
> TLD.
> I've copied the top portion of one of my source files below, changing 
> the company name in some packages. You'll notice that the @jsp comments 
> are copied right out of the SimpleTag.java file, and slightly modified.
> Any ideas? Thank you very much!
>  * Simple JSP tag.
>  *
>  * @jsp.tag name="itemLink"
>  *          display-name="ItemLinkTag"
>  *          body-content="empty"
>  *          description="Simple JSP tag."
>  *
>  * @author  <a
>  */
>ItemLinkTag extends ContentLinkTag

I don't see ContentLinkTag in your imports, so I assume it's another of
your classes in com.monkeycompany.tags; have you included ContentLinkTag
in the classpath/fileset being used by XDoclet?  If not, the parser has
no way of knowing that your tag class extends one of
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport or
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport, and so it won't be processed
by the jsptaglib template.  Since you can get it to include the
SimpleTag details in the generated file, the servlet classes must be
available to the subtask, so the next most likely problem is that it
can't trace back from your tag through the inheritance hierarchy to one
of the required javax.servlet.jsp.tagext types.

If you still have problems, post the relevant bits (classpath, webdoclet
task definition and call) from your Ant script.


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