On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 16:58, Shantanu Sen wrote:
> I have the following tags in a stateless session bean 
> that I want to expose as a web service in WebSphere AS
> 6.0.
> /**
>  * @ejb.bean
>  *   name="TestCardSession"
>  *   jndi-name="mytest/TestCardSessionBean"
>  *   type="Stateless"
>  *   view-type="service-endpoint"
>  *   description="MY BEAN"
>  * @ejb.transaction
>  *   type="Required"
>  * @ejb.interface
>  *   
> remote-class="mytestpackage.TestCardServiceRemote"
>  * @ejb.home
>  *   
> remote-class="mytestpackage.TestCardServiceRemoteHome"
>  *
>  * @wsee.port-component
>  *    name="TestCard"
>  *    display-name="TestCard"
>  *
>  * @wsee.handler
>  *    name="TestCardHandler"
>  *    handler-class="mytestpackage.MyHandler"
>  *    display-name="TestHandler"
> */
> public class TestCardSessionBean implements
> TestCardService, SessionBean {
> ....
> I have the following questions:
> 1.  The  <wsdl-port> element of the <port-component>
> element is incorrect - the generated element is as
> follows:
> <port-component>
>         <icon>
>         </icon>
> <port-component-name>TestCard</port-component-name>   
>         <wsdl-port>TestCard</wsdl-port>
> ........
> But the correct one should be namespace qualified -
> e.g. here is what the ibm tool
> wsdl2java generate:
> <wsdl-port
> xmlns:pfx="http://mytestpackage";>pfx:TestCardService</wsdl-port>
> What am I missing here?

The template doesn't appear to have anything to do that.  Assuming the
spec allows for it, raise an enhancement request in JIRA.

> 2.  How do I control the value of
> <service-endpoint-interface> element? The XDoclet
>  generates it as follows:
> <service-endpoint-interface>mytestpackage.TestCardSessionService</service-endpoint-interface>
> I actually want it to be TestCardService. The bean
> that I use to (as shown above) implements
> this interface.

Try using
@ejb.interface remote-class="mytestpackage.TestCardServiceRemote"

> 3. It seems that I have to run the IBM 'endptenabler'
> tool on the XDoclet generated EAR file to add the http
> router. Is there a way I can run this tool by adding
> any hook to XDoclet? Or is there any tag that I am
> missing that will enable this feature?

Not from XDoclet itself.  However, I believe it can be run as an Ant
task[1], so you could just add that to your build script after XDoclet
has finished.



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