On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 15:24, Merrick Schincariol wrote:
> Over the last year we have updated the Oracle EJB XDoclet templates to
> fully support the OC4J 9.0.4/10.1.2 release, particularly with respect
> to CMR. We've had these modified templates in production with
> customers for several months now and would like to contribute them
> back to the XDoclet project.
> What is the process for making a contribution? Should I open an issue
> with an attached patch or is there something more formal?

Your first guess is correct.  Please raise an enhancement request in
JIRA (http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/xdoclet/) and attach the
patch there.  One of the committers will get to it when they have time,
and either apply it or add any comments/questions to the issue.  Please
note that, as it says on JIRA's home page, diffs are preferable to just
zipping up the source files in case there's any other changes applied

Thanks for the contribution.


> Thanks,
> Merrick Schincariol
> Senior Engineer, Oracle Application Server

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