On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 23:16, Josh Cronemeyer wrote:
> Below is a question I posted here a few days ago, but nobody responded.  I've
> still not figured out what is wrong and why I can't get Xdoclet to create my
> validation.xml (I include my original question in case someone can see any
> relation between the problems), but I have given up trying to figure it out 
> and was content to just use Xdoclet's struts-config.xml capabilities.  
> However now that I have been trying to run my project I am disappointed to 
> discover that this gets stuck at the top of my struts-config.xml
> <!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts
> Configuration 1.0//EN"
> "http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/dtds/struts-config_1_0.dtd";>

1.0 is the default, but 1.1 and 1.2 are definitely available in the
subtask.  It just needs to tell it the version to use.

> I got so many sax parser errors from that because struts 1.2.7 requires a
> more recent version of the dtd (1.2).  Hence I can't use xdoclet for a modern
> version of struts.  Deadend.
> A week with the same problem has left me pretty
> disolussioned with Xdoclet and as I watch this mailing list I am also
> disappointed in the community support available.  I see far more questions
> than responses.  My previous question generated only questions that were off
> topic.  No doubt other lost souls like myself grasping for some shred of
> hope.  *sigh*  Feeling like I'm talking to myself.  
> If only the wiki were up, maybe there is where all the help is hiding.  

Nope, there was next to nothing there, and nobody ever updated anything
apart from the spammers :-(  The main bits on there which weren't
available on the main site were the XDoclet 2 architecture description &
diagrams, but those wouldn't help you with your Struts problems...

> > ---project.properties file---
> > 
> > # set up xdoclet to process this subset of files
> > maven.xdoclet.webdoclet.fileset.0=true
> > maven.xdoclet.webdoclet.fileset.0.include=**/*.java

Ah, Maven.  Never touch the stuff myself.

> > # Generate a struts validation descriptor
> > maven.xdoclet.webdoclet.strutsvalidationxml.0=true
> > maven.xdoclet.webdoclet.strutsvalidationxml.0.destDir=${basedir}/target/${pom.artifactId}/WEB-INF
> > maven.xdoclet.webdoclet.strutsvalidationxml.0.subTaskName=Generating 
> > struts-validation.xml
> > maven.xdoclet.webdoclet.strutsvalidationxml.0.mergeDir=${basedir}/merge
> > maven.xdoclet.webdoclet.strutsvalidationxml.0.version=1.1.3
> > 
> > # Generate a struts config descriptor pulling in extra data from
> > # metadata/struts
> > maven.xdoclet.webdoclet.strutsconfigxml.0=true
> > maven.xdoclet.webdoclet.strutsconfigxml.0.version=1.2

Curious.  Why is it still generating 1.0 when you've specified 1.2? 
Can you try using "Version" instead of "version"?  I seem to recall
previous postings on the list that suggested the maven plugin was a bit
quirky and case-sensitive at times.  Other than that, I've no idea.  Any
chance you could try running it from an Ant script instead?


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