On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 18:17, Jeff Harmes wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I have a bunch of questions concerning the generation of WebService 
> for IBM Websphere:
>        1.  Is my assumption correct that WebSphere expects Web Services 
> to be bundled in an EAR file?

No idea.  Although I am using WebSphere at work at the moment, we've not
needed to create any Web Services on it yet.  I know you can deploy war
files without having to bundle them into an ear, but I don't know how
web services affect that.  But since this isn't
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I won't feel too bad about my
ignorance ;-)

>        2.  If that is true, my next observation is that XDoclet does not 
> provide any way to generate the required application.xml file.  Is this 
> correct?

Yes.  There is no per-class info in the application.xml (unless you
happen to build a separate ejb jar for each bean and a separate war file
for each servlet, I suppose) so there's nowhere useful to put the @tags
and little point in generating it.  If we were to add a template it
would probably consist entirely of merge files, and you can do that just
as easily with "cat"...
Alternatively (caution: silly answer ahead*), since application.xml
contains information for each (ejb or web) module, and you'll likely
have an xdoclet task for each module somewhere in your build script, you
could create a target that runs the Ant script itself through some XSLT
and generates the application.xml from those xdoclet task elements.  You
could even use <xsl:include> to add merge points.

>              2a.  If this statement is true, then are people just 
> hand-crafting an application.xml file and making sure it gets included 
> when packaging
>                     their EAR files?

Most likely.

>              2b.  There are WebSphere specific files that are created 
> for an EAR file:  ibm-application-bnd.xmi and ibm-application-ext.xmi.  
> Again,
>                     there are no facilities in XDoclet to generate these 
> files?  If not, are people also hand-crafting these files as well? 

We certainly are.

> Should I be using IBM's
>                     wsDefaultBindings Ant task to generate the required 
> IBM specific application descriptor files?

No idea.  Depends if it's just creating ibm-*-bnd.xmi files or if
there's more to it.

>        3.  I noticed that IBM provides an endptEnabler Ant task.  Do I 
> have to run my Web Service deployable ( EAR file ) through that task 
> before I
>            can deploy it to WebSphere?

See my first answer :-)

> Any help would be greatly appreciated!!  I'm finding that there is next 
> to no documentation or examples of how to develop and deploy Web 
> Services to WebSphere without using their IDE.

Ah yes, WSAD.  Or, as it's known around our office, V.Sad :-)  I've
managed to avoid it so far.

Sorry I can't help more.

* Hey, what do you expect?  It's 1am here...

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