Hi all!

I am trying to open a local file under cygwin using either the URI or
local unix name for it. Under Win32 (XP) this code works fine, but under
Cygwin it fails. I tried a lot of approaches, like splitting the path
into the systemId and relative path or passing the entire path.

Can someone suggest what could be wrong here? I am using Xerces-C 2.6.0.

//will automatically convert to XMLCh*
MyStringClass basePath="file:///c:/someDir/"; 
MyStringClass relFilePath="./someXMLfile.xml";

URLInputSource is(static_cast<const XMLCh*>(basePath),
                  static_cast<const XMLCh*>(relFilePath));

BinInputStream* stream=is.makeStream();
XMLByte bytes[1024]={0};
size_t read=0;

        read=stream->readBytes(bytes, 1024);

I also tryied using LocalFileInputSource with URI, UNIX like path
(/cygdrive/c/...) and windows path (c:\\...) with no luck.

Please help!


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