Every time I try to run the xerces-c samples related to schema
validation I get the following message:


%./SAX2Count personal-schema.xml

Fatal Error at file
/home/my_home/xerces/xerces-c-src_2_6_0/bin/personal-schema.xml, line
4, char 50
  Message: An exception occurred! Type:InvalidDatatypeFacetException,
Message:maxInclusive value '0' must be from the base's value space

But when I run the same sample without the schema it works fine:

%./SAX2Count personal.xml
personal.xml: 59 ms (37 elems, 12 attrs, 134 spaces, 134 chars)


The same exception occurs when I try to run a simple parse that uses
xml schema for validation.

Advice, please!


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