Hello Karljurgen,

Sent from my iPad

On 12/10/2011, at 5:42 AM, "Karljurgen Feuerherm" <kfeuerh...@wlu.ca> wrote:

> Hello,
> (1) I have a font into which I have inserted cuneiform characters (U+12000 
> range). In my TeXShop source, all my characters display fine. But when I 
> compile, one of them comes out as a box (see the line in the table beginning 
> with IG). Can anyone tell me what is happening?

Don't know about specifics for your font.

> (2) The footnote has vanished. I suppose that means footnotes aren't legal in 
> tables of this type... Can someone suggest a solution to this?

The footnote occurs within a floating table. Which page should it go onto?
Put the {tabular} into a {minipage}, then the footnote will be tied to that.

Also, why declare the {table} inside the {enumerate} list, when you know that 
it will float to elsewhere? It probably works OK, but it makes your LaTeX 
source harder to read and thus complicates any later editing that you may need 
to do.

> Many thanks for whatever help anyone can offer! Source follows, font is 
> attached.
> Best wishes,
> KF

Hope this helps.


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