2012/5/3 Apostolos Syropoulos <asyropou...@yahoo.com>:
>> Babel is the LaTeX standard for multilingual texts. Until something
>> else takes it's place, it must be maintained.
> For LaTeX not XeLaTeX! And LaTeX is not the standard for multilingual
> typesetting.

Do you want to say that Leslie Lamport lied when stating that LaTeX
(even v. 2.09) is international? Do you want to say that the babel
authors used to lie us? Do you want to say that LaTeX cannot be used
for non-English languages? Well, I used it to typeset Czech, Russian,
German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Classical Greek, Modern
Greek, French, Plattdeutsh, Bahasa Indonesia, Vietnamese, Mongolian,
Polish, Upper Sorbian, Romanian, Hungarian, Hindi, Ewe, Turkish,
Latin, Esperanto, all in LaTeX2e.

I know that babel solves things that need not be handled at macro
level in XeTeX, that's why polyglossia was invented. I now that XeTeX
simplifies work with truetype and opentype fonts. I am glad to have
XeTeX. I should also mention that XML documents can be transformed by
XSLT to a TeX source that can easily be processed by XeLaTeX because I
can keep everything in UTF-8 and using a proper font I need not waste
time by converting various symbols to macros. But do not tell me that
LaTeX is unsuitable for multilingual processing because it is not
true. I hope that the list of languages given above is large enough.

> A.S.
> ----------------------
> Apostolos Syropoulos
> Xanthi, Greece
> --------------------------------------------------
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
>  http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/xetex

Zdeněk Wagner

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