Sorry but we don't help our customers tweak their XSL-FO in order to achieve the results that they want. This is clearly explained in this FAQ:
I cannot get the results that I want. Can you help me tweak my XSLT stylesheet?

However if you consider that you have uncovered a bug, then please file a formal bug report. See "Writing a usable bug report" in

On 12/13/2018 01:51 PM, wrote:

I need to scale image of fo:external-graphic  in both directions to fit
on page and would like to avoid harcoding any page bound since I use
same xslfo for XFC and for Apache FOP.

Using *exactly* the same XSL-FO for both XFC and FOP is not a good idea as it is unlikely to give you the results you want.

Please consider using the tips explained in:

"How to adapt your existing XSLT stylesheet to the specificities of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter",

and most notably the "General recommendations",

First limitation is that I have
some other page dimensions to choose then A4 for Apache FOP and second
this solution currently works and I need to have working solution for both:

*width="auto" height="auto" content-width="scale-to-fit"

Sorry but I'm not sure to understand what works and what does not. Parts of a formal bug report are:

1) A small, hand-written, sample XSL-FO file with all required attachments (e.g. SVG, PNG files) demonstrating the problem.

2) An output file (may be a DOCX) showing the issue.

3) Another output file (may be a PDF) showing the expected result.

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