Maxime B. wrote:

We would like to contribute a customization of DocBook FO XSL for XFC
using styles and outline (attached).

XMLmind Software is not the owner/author/maintainer of the free, open source, DocBook XSL stylesheets. Therefore we cannot accept contributions for it.

Please note that the DocBook XSL stylesheets do not support XFC extensions like they support XEP, FOP, Antenna House, etc, extensions. Therefore I doubt that the maintainers of the DocBook XSL stylesheets would accept your contribution.

Sorry for that.

I tested it with xfc_pro_java-6_1_0, docbook-xsl-ns-1.79.1,
docbook-xsl-ns-1.75.2, Word 2007 and LibreOffice

Your ".xfc" style specification attachments contain a number of styles looking like:
  <numbering name="Parties">
    <level format="Partie&#160;%{upper-roman}." />


  <!-- Parts -->
  <paragraph-style name="Titre 1"
                   numbering="Parties" />

This is 100% correct, but this also implies that you'll have to modify the huge, complex, DocBook XSL stylesheets in order to add "xfc:user-style" extension attributes to all XSL-FO objects to be styled in Word or OpenOffice/LibreOffice.

This task is so daunting and so error-prone that we, XMLmind Software,
never dared giving it a shot.

In practice, our XSL-FO extension for generating named styles is used mainly by banks, insurances, health companies implementing database publishing using their own, small, in-house XSLT stylesheets.

Our XSL-FO extension for generating named styles is not meant to be retrofitted into existing large, complex, XSLT stylesheets like DocBook's or DITA's.


* 6. XSL-FO extension for generating named styles,

* 6. XSL-FO extension for generating named styles, 2. How it works,

* 6. XSL-FO extension for generating named styles, 5. Adding named styles support to an existing XSLT stylesheet,

I would have liked to add a Word or OpenOffice automatic table of
contents instead of the one from the DocBook XSL. Is such a thing possible ?

No. This is not possible simply because there is no way to express "automatically generate a native TOC here" in standard XSL-FO.

The only thing you can do is to modify the DocBook XSL stylesheets in order to add "xfc:outline-level" extension attributes to all the fo:blocks acting as headings. By doing this, the user of Word or OpenOffice/LibreOffice can quickly and easily generate an automatic TOC from within the word processor. (A single button click suffices.)

We did this, without using named styles, in our in-house DITA ( and XHTML ( stylesheets that generate XSL-FO and it works great.


* 4.4.1. The "xfc:outline-level" extension attribute

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