Hello Support,

We at Oracle are trying to use xmlmind 5.3.0 that we have had implemented for a 
while to generate a Docx file, but we have come across an issue where a page 
break is not ending up in the docx file.

In the included FO you will see that on line 80 we have <fo:block 
page-break-before=”always”/>, then have two more fo:blocks.   But in the 
resultant docx(Document(59).docx) you will see the lines;  “Line 9” and  “Some 
Text goes here… bla bla bla” without a page break.

Now if I add the attribute page-break-before=”always” to the fo:block that 
wraps “Some Text goes here… blab la bla” the page break is added. 

I am currently setting up a test environment to test if 6.3.3 changes this 
behavior, but wanted to know if it was correct of us to assume a page break 
should be seen in the resultant docx given this FO.


Attachment: Document(59).docx
Description: Document(59).docx

Attachment: Document(64).docx
Description: Document(64).docx

Attachment: FO-FOR-DOCX.xml
Description: FO-FOR-DOCX.xml

XMLmind FO Converter Support List

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