I have a new Dell 2350 with integrated Intel 845 G/GL Video and RH 8.0.  After checking various newsgroups and help sites, the consensus seemed to be that the BIOS video RAM setting must be increased from the default 1 MB before Xfree 4.2.x.x will work.  However, Dell does not provide that option in the BIOS.  Dell did recently release a BIOS upgrade which allows a PCI card to be used so I have upgraded the BIOS and installed a ATI Xpert 128 PCI video card.  The card detects correctly but I get the error:
Couldn't start X server, etc.
*ddcprobe returns bogus values:
ID: none
Name: none
and finally,
Error, cannot start X server.
I notice that if I reload the box from scratch it still tries to probe the integrated video chip and I wonder if this error is related to it probing the wrong device?
If someone can tell me what to vi I would be very grateful--I have been working on this box since Christmas!
Thanks, -Steve
Stephen Wolfcale

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