Dear Sirs,

if this is not the right instance to ask, please
disregard this message. My apoogies, with Linux I'm
total anoying newbie;)

Recently I installed Slackware 8.1 and I'm trying to
find my way around. When I finally figured out how to
start X, I got the error described by the log file I
enclose. I ran the installation script fully, I also
tried to run XFree86 - config etc. but it doeas not
help. I would be gratefull if you could hint me where
to start look for the solution to this problem - is it
driver for monitor, dr. for graphic card or only
configuration problem?

I downloaded several LOGs, for dirrerent XFree86.cfg,
but somehow I can read on my work computer only one of
them - I'm trying;) So, here it is.

Thanks for help


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Attachment: XFree86.0.log
Description: XFree86.0.log

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