On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 11:41:21PM +0100, Csarnai Tamás wrote:
> Hi there,
> Can I change virtual resolution on-the-fly?

Not exactly. You can change your screen's physical resolution by holding
down Ctrl and Alt and hitting the numeric keypad's + and - keys. However,
your virtual resolution (the amount of screen real estate you have) stays
the same - you can pan around the screen to reveal more.

There are also a few GUI programs which allow you to choose the resolution
from a menu, such as gtkuickres.

However, there is currently an extension in the works in XFree86 called the
X R&R (resolution and rotation) extension, which *should* allow you to
change it, eventually.

> My desktop is in 1024x768 but when I use TV-Out for films (in 768x576) the
> picture don't fit in the screen because of the higher virtual resolution.
> It would be good to change v.r. with a command when needed and switch back
> after. (Do games like Q3Arena do that when I run them in 800x600?)

Those (IIRC) use something called the Xvidmode extension. Players such as
Xine and Mplayer can also take advantage of it, if configured correctly.

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