> i'm building a customized kiosk for a project and i must solve a problem.
> i have 600 pc with 64 Mb ram, so i'm implementing very basilar desktop with
> fluxbox, and i need xdm at start to give the chance to choose the user in a
> very simple way. it works fine, but something i still need to fix.
> when i launch xdm, and then mozilla, i noticed very bad performance. the
> point is that when i do "ps -e" i see this output:
First and foremost, have you considered dropping mozilla proper in favor
of one of the much smaller and lighter mozilla-cousins such as Phoenix?

As to why mozilla is launching 5 copies of itself, that doesn't make much
sense. How are you launching mozilla? Via .xsession? If so, what does this
look like? Is your window manager doing it?

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