On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, John Bartoszewski wrote:

>I've heard comments from various people that in some drivers for
>new cards that there are local security problems. The example
>that was brought up was the driver for the Radeon 7000 being
>able to write any where in memory and therefor compromise

Heard comments from whom?  And what specific security problems?  
What source code files are these problems in?  Or are they just 
what-if rumors?

Seriously, if someone has a claim that one of the drivers is 
insecure, then they would know the exact area of the driver 
source that such security problems exist, and one would expect 
that they would report the problems in a responsible manner to 
appropriate developers privately to be examined.

Anything short of a specific example of a real security problem 
is nothing more than heresy.

>Without actually reading the drivers is there any place where
>these security problems are discussed and archived?

You assume that there are known security issues which are also 
not fixed.  That is not the case however, but I urge anyone who 
believes they know of such a security issue to report it 

>Is there a good forum to ask if a driver is secure?

If a driver wasn't secure, it would be either fixed, or likely 
disabled and removed.

>Have there been audits on drivers directly from Nvidia, Matrox
>or ATI?

How exactly would someone audit a binary only driver that there 
is no publically available source code for?  I'm not sure a heck 
of a lot could be done without the source code.  You'd have to 
ask those vendors directly however if they've audited their own 
source code for security issues.

Mike A. Harris

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