On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 16:51:33 -0500, Mark Vojkovich wrote:

> > I want to reduce memory being used in order to use the rest as a
> > ramdisk.
>    I don't understand that.  What does reducing the amount of
> videoram have to do with a ramdisk?

Ramdisk located in video ram would be overwritten if something else (in
ths case - X) use this video ram.
I thought the idea up and Michal Schulz gave the solution and detailed
description, which you can find at:
Caution in 5th point misses the true in the last sentence.
Is there another way to say to X not to touch specified region of video

>    I see no reason to force VideoRam to lower than what there
> actually is,

As you can see it's good solution for limited memory systems with modern
graphics adapters (up to 128MB of VRAM).

> but if you do it's possible that something in 
> core XFree86 code requires it to be a power of two.  Write combine
> ranges can only be setup on power of two apertures.

I've tried 16384, 8192 and 4096 - these are powers of 2.

> Nothing in the "nv" driver has changed in this respect.

So where's the bug? Reducing works with tseng driver on my second video
board - ET6100.

GoTaR <priv0.onet.pl->gotar>
PLD stuff at http://mops.uci.agh.edu.pl/~gotar/
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