I have just upgraded from XF 4.2.1 to 4.3.0 running on a FreeBSD-platform.
I use a normal US-kblayout, but I have mapped some danish special letters to F7-F9 with xmodmap.

My .xmodmaprc look like this:

keycode 73 = ae AE
keycode 74 = oslash Ooblique
keycode 75 = aring Aring

Ok.. F7 = ae works as it used to under 4.2.1, but the Shift-modified F*-keys does not not work under 4.3.0.

Fx. shift+F7 produces ae, and not AE as expected. I don't think the problem has anything to do with the danish special chars, as

keycode 73 = z Z

makes F7 and Shift+F7 produces z, and never Z.

Can anyone confirm this issue ? Maybe it's a FreeBSD-only issue. I run FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE if it matters to anyone.

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