On Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:32 pm, News/Info wrote:
> Psuedo-newb here...
> Two hosts mars and jupiter both have linux and XFree installed, both work
> fine and without incident.  My objective would be to use just mars and be
> able to start an X session on either mars or jupiter without having to go
> back and forth between two keyboards.
> Suggestions?
> How is this done...?

Set the DISPLAY environment variable or use the -display option of your client 
application to specify which X server to connect to.  Examples:

$ xterm -display jupiter:0
$ DISPLAY=mars:0 xclock

The number after the colon says which numbered server to connect to, in case 
you run multiple servers on the same machine.  If one server manages multiple 
screens (like if you use a multihead configuration without xinerama), add a 
period and a screen number, as in xterm -display jupiter:0.0

> What config is required on jupiter to allow X access from mars?

jupiter$ xhost + mars

> What config is required on mars to enable me to launch an X session on
> either mars or jupiter?

mars$ xhost + jupiter
But I'm not sure I understand your question correctly...

Please somebody explain to the both of us how real X security is attained.  
The above method (xhost) makes many insecure assumptions:

- You are the only person with shell access to either mars or jupiter.
- It is impossible for anyone to pretend to be mars or jupiter.
- Neither mars nor jupiter contain malicious or buggy scripts that can play 
havoc with your X server.

At my university, they make the fatal mistake of having their NCD X servers 
grant host-based access to the #1-used UNIX server on campus.  This allows me 
to make my friends' mouse pointers turn to Gumby, but it allows anyone at all 
to track your keystrokes or even execute arbitrary code as you through stuff 
like the send command in Tcl/Tk.

Andy Goth  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  http://ioioio.net/
End communication.

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