On Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:39 pm, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
>   8+24 requires hardware 8 bit overlay support.  NVIDIA GeForce
> products do not have hardware 8 bit overlay nor do they support the
> 8+24 mode.  The 8+24 option is only supported by some Matrox and
> 3Dlabs hardware.

I'm curious... can Xnest be used to run at a different color depth than the 
host X server?  I imagine it is technically possible for it to provide an 
8bpp X server for Cadence, handle all palette issues and such to convert to 
24bpp, and send the modified X protocol to the real server.

I've never used Xnest, so I'm just groping in the dark here, but the above 
seems like a possibility.

Lodovico, why would setting your X server to run in 8bpp impact your display 
resolution?  Having a lower color depth should allow you to have more pixels 
onscreen and off rather than less.  Or maybe by resolution you simply mean 
color resolution...

Another solution you may not have considered is running multiple X servers.  
Run one at 24bpp for your normal work and another at 8bpp for Cadence and its 
support tools.  If you're using Red Hat, you would flip between the two with 
Ctrl+Alt+F7 and Ctrl+Alt+F8.  I know this would be a pain, but running 
Cadence inside Xnest might not be much better.

The only "real" solution would be to support color depth emulation as a basic 
feature common to all servers, but of course this would bloat XFree86 beyond 
measure.  Also, unless I'm mistaken, there's virtually no demand for this.

Andy Goth  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  http://ioioio.net/
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