Hiya Alexander,

Your reply was unbelievably exacting! To the point, a clear understanding of my needs and a solution. Great job! But the docs were cut/pasted from the current Fink User's Guide the very same night I posted. Take a look! http://fink.sourceforge.net/doc/users-guide/packages.php#x11 I'd take your reply and work it into the Users Guide! It was so on the mark and would help alot of new users comin in!

Anyway, I have a working set up now but I think I'm going to try rootless 4.3 that you mention to check out compatibility with an array of audio devices. Will post the results for any other audio freeks out there besides me. Thanks again, A!!

brian egeness

On Thursday, July 3, 2003, at 07:57 AM, Alexander Hansen wrote:

The problem in this case is that there is some obsolete material in your documentation. It has since been updated on the Fink website. If I remember correctly, originally there were two XFree86 packages for Fink:

1) xfree86-base, which contained most of the guts of X, including the libraries and header files

2) xfree86-server, which contained the display server. Included in this package is XDarwin, the Mac application that starts X in parallel with the Aqua environment (hence the reason that the two get mentioned in the same context). This package provided only a fullscreen X display on a separate virtual window.

Meanwhile, the rootless display option was being developed, which led to the "roaming rootless servers" mentioned in the docs, and the Fink package:

3) xfree86-rootless. This was essentially the same as 2), but also had the option to
display in rootless mode. This was initially regarded as experimental, but after much evaluation, it was regarded as stable.

One could install 1) and 2) or 1) and 3) .

Once the rootless option became the norm, the xfree86-server package went away, all of its functionality subsumed into xfree8-rootless.

For XFree86-4.3.0, it was decided to simplify things yet further, and just have the xfree86 package, which contains everything (well, there are xfree86 and xfree86-shlibs packages, but you can't have the first without the second).

I hope this clarifies things (I spent a fair amount of time working on revising the chapter you cited!)

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