David Dawes writes:
 > On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 09:30:51PM -0400, News/Info wrote:
 > >Yeah you do have to be a member but even the guidelines say that their
 > No, you don't have to be a member.  The member-only restriction was
 > tried with the old newbie/xpert lists, and failed.  The relatively small
 > amount of spam that gets through is preferable to having a list moderator
 > manually scan through all non-members postings, which, at times, resulted
 > in multi-week delays in posts getting through with those old lists.
 > Not to mention that member-only is no substitute for a good filter,
 > given that much of the virus mail going around these days appears to
 > come from valid addresses that are likely to be list members.

The other downside of having an open list is that a considerable
number of answers never seem to make it to their destination.

As I have pointed out in a postiong about a similar subject yesterday
even when doing a group reply the answer is only sent to the list, not
to the author in the From: field unless this author was clever enough
to add himself to Cc: - something that we cannot ask from our support
And no, I'm convinced now that this is not a problem with my mailer as
the RFC clearly states that the Reply-To: filed has precendence over
the From: filed.
I have looked thru a long list of postings on this list and only very
few replies had the original author in the Cc. Since we cannot say
for sure who is subscribed (unless replying to a reply) we  
would always have to put the original author into the Cc: manually.
Something that seems to be forgotten most of the times. 

The question is if this could not be automated. If we can agree on
a solution we may be able to find somebody who'd volunteer to
help setting this up for us.

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