
Im' sorry for this mail, but I'd like to tell you that my mouse, which
has a whell, but, as I can read on the following page:

the wheel is not supported by XFree86, that the DOS Open Source mouse driver
Cutemouse supports it, with full wheel support.
(It also recognises my mouse automatically.)
Cutemouse binaries, sources and documentation can be found there:

I understand that it could be a big problem trying a porting of
Cutemouse to linux, since Cutemouse is written ( and still mantained) in
asm ( and not in C or C++ ) and also because in DOS you can use Bios
calls and other system calls, which in Linux probaly are in protected

Actually I'm using my mouse in simple PS2 mode with 3 buttons, in the
following way:

gpm in PS/2 mode, and acts as a repeater in raw mode
In Xfree I use /dev/gpmdata and the only three protocols which I can use
are  PS/2 ,  GlidePointPS/2 and  MouseManPlusPS/2 ; but with none of
this I can see the wheel working.
With any other configurations the mouse doesn't work ( also Auto doesn't

I use gpm for several reasons:
1- I use console quite a lot
2- I use the special mode "three clicks" to shutdown the pc.

I hope that this mail can be useful.

Perche' tutti vorrebbero essere chiamati "Piu' Tardi"?

Bye by Vlad/Nick
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