>>When the install
phase of XFree package finish, the system automatically  startup with an
old grapich interface, not with KDE intreface.

Y loggon in this old interface as root and type KDE, and KDE interface
aperst inside the old desktop.

I need the system startup automatically with KDE desktop, waht can i

sorry for my basic and rudimentary english...


type kdm from a root console login.
After you're logged in use the Red Hat control center to make changes that allow you to use kdm as your login mabager.

Alternately, you should be able to run (as a normal user, not root)

startx `which KDE`

(replace KDE with whatever command you used to run KDE, usually "startkde")

to get it going. Please do not run this as root - you run the risk of all sorts of problems. You're much better off logging in as a normal user and running a particular command as root in a terminal using "su -c command". Most recent distros will ask you for your root password when you try to run root-only tools as a normal user, making it even easier.

Once you've fired up KDE, you should be able to use the KDE admin tools to set it as default.

Editing "/etc/sysconfig/desktop" and changing whatever the default desktop shown there is to "KDE" should also work.

Craig Ringer

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