
Forget the SiS website.


Andrew Rothbart wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm a linux newbie trying to sort out some problems with XFree.

I am running XFree 4.3 under the Mandrake 9.1 distribution. My video card is a SiS 630 onboard. I'm not sure how much background history I should give, so I'll be on the safe side and give tons.

The first time I installed Mandrake, everything went perfectly. All my hardware was detected, KDE ran smoothly, it was blast. But then I decided that I wanted to get better support for my 3D card, because I wanted to run a pretty screensaver I found on kde-look.org. So I went to the SiS website, and downloaded an rpm they have there called xsis.rpm. This is where my problems started.
After I installed the rpm, I rebooted my computer.. and KDE wouldn't load. It kept saying that it couldn't read a section from my XF86Config file. I even downloaded the sample config file on the sis website.. same result. So I decided 'fine, I'll just format my partitions and re-install Mandrake.' Unfortunately, this time around Mandrake didn't detect my hardware (I have no idea why).
I had to run xf86config and configure my video card manually. For some reason, choosing SiS 630/730 from the supplied database didn't work.. everything on my screen flickered and windows didn't show up properly, so I ended up going with the SiS 530 option, which worked fairly well (except I couldn't get my third mouse button or sound to work, but that's another issue). At this point, I felt pretty good about my skills with XFree, and decided 'Hey, I could probably get that xsis.rpm package to work if I tried to install it again.' Big mistake there. I ended up running into the same problem I had last time (XFree complained a section of my config file was corrupted or something). So, I uninstalled the rpm, but now I get this error message when I try to start XFree:

xinit: No such file or directory (errno 2): no server 'X' in path

So I guess xsis.rpm screwed up my system when I installed it, and uninstalling the rpm didn't fix the problem.
I was considering un-installing and re-installing XFree, hoping that this might fix my settings and allow me to go back to pretending my video card is an SiS 530.
But what I *really* want to do is figure out how to get this xsis.rpm package working. So I am asking the following questions:

1) If I want to un-install and then re-install XFree, how do I go about uninstalling XFree? Installing seems fairly simple (I just download the binaries from the website), but I have no clue how to uninstall it first!

2) Does anyone have experience trying to get a SiS 630 card to work? What am I doing wrong?

3) Should I just re-format (again!) and live with poor video card performance, and quit messing around with XFree?


~Andrew Rothbart

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