I'm trying to get X working on a DECpos2 (point of sale PC device) running
Slackware 9.1. Previously I got it working using Slackware 7.1 and its
version of XFree86. On that one I had to configure it as a generic VGA
device because I'd read that the NM2070 driver doesn't handle that device's
external CRT feed, which is what the DECpos2 uses (it's not a laptop).

Now I'm trying to to the same with XFree86 Version 4.3.0 but it seems
determined to autodetect the video chip as a PCI device. The screen simply
goes blank until I reboot the system.

My config file and the log are attached.

Help will be greatly appreciated.

John Murray
George James Software

Attachment: XFree86.0.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: XF86Config
Description: Binary data

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