Looks like some of your modules have been toasted.  The log says:

(II) LoadModule: "bitmap"
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module bitmap
(II) UnloadModule: "bitmap"
(EE) Failed to load module "bitmap" (module does not exist, 0)
(II) LoadModule: "pcidata"
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module pcidata
(II) UnloadModule: "pcidata"
(EE) Failed to load module "pcidata" (module does not exist, 0)

Are those files still there?  Have a look for

Might need a re-install (of X, not linux) if they're gone.

|                                                                       |
|  TELESCOPE, n.                                                        |
|  A device having a relation to the eye similar to that of the         |
|  telephone to the ear, enabling distant objects to plague us with a   |
|  multitude of needless details. Luckily it is unprovided with a bell  |
|  summoning us to the sacrifice.                                       |
|                 -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"           |
|                                                                       |
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